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EU Now

Jun 25, 2018

Senior Communications Officer Martin Caudron speaks to the Portuguese Minister of Defense, José Alberto de Azeredo Lopes, on EU Defense and EU-NATO cooperation.

Jun 19, 2018

Senior Communications Officer Martin Caudron sat down with Jürgen Salay, EU climate negotiator who spent a year doing research on climate action at the subnational level in the U.S. during his fellowship at the University of Washington in Seattle.


Jun 12, 2018

EU Ambassador to the United States David O'Sullivan explains why the US makes more money doing business with the EU than anywhere else, the crucial importance of the EU-US trade and investment relationship for jobs and growth on both sides of the Atlantic, what drives deficits, and much more.

Jun 7, 2018

Senior Communications Officer Martin Caudron spoke to Terry Schaefer of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) & Sigi Gruber of the European Commission on transatlantic ocean research and how it contributes to the protection and understanding of our ocean.