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EU Now

Dec 12, 2018

Senior Media Advisor Kasper Zeuthen speaks with EU Ambassador to the U.S. David O'Sullivan and Janis Searles Jones, CEO of Ocean Conservancy. The three discuss the impact of plastic and climate change on our world's oceans, how the EU is working on several different policies to mitigate sea pollution and plastic, and...

Nov 29, 2018

In the margins of our EU-Americas Miami conference (15-16 November 2018), Senior Communications Officer Martin Caudron talked to decision-makers and officials from across the American continent and Europe on the potential for increased cooperation on issues ranging from disaster preparedness, emergency response,...

Nov 7, 2018

Catherine De Bolle, Executive Director of Europol, sat down with Senior Communications Officer Martin Caudron during her first visit to the U.S. in this capacity, ahead of her participation to the EU-U.S. Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial (8-9 November 2018).

Oct 11, 2018

Senior Communications Officer Martin Caudron discusses Europe’s move to make open access to publicly-funded scientific publications a reality by 2020, with Mary Kavanagh (Minister-Counselor for Science and Innovation at the EU Delegation to the U.S.), Robert-Jan Smits (European Commission’s Envoy for Open...

Sep 24, 2018

Senior Media Advisor Kasper Zeuthen sits down with EU Ambassador to the UN, João Vale de Almeida, on the eve of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly to discuss the EU’s role at the UN, main EU objectives, UN reform, and the importance of defending the UN and multilateralism.